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A New Vantage® Feature: Vantage Discussions

There’s no question that 2020 has forced many of us to forego our usual routines and adopt innovative, new ways of doing things – both personally and professionally. One change that many are struggling to get accustomed to is the absence of live events and the opportunity to interact face-to-face with one’s peers and colleagues. Specifically, in the professional setting the cancellation of conferences and meetings has largely eliminated opportunities to engage with peers and learn from one another. To help you stay connected during this difficult time, SVMIC is excited to introduce you to our newest Vantage ® feature: Vantage Discussions, a virtual discussion board.

Practice managers find value in meeting, sharing, and brainstorming with each other. In many cases, practices face similar challenges and, in non-competitive situations, are happy to leverage the experience of others. Vantage Discussions was developed with the practice administrator in mind, meant to help you connect and learn from one another on issues you and your practice commonly face. When you have questions, wonder what others are doing with contactless check-in, want some insight on the Paycheck Protection Program, need some ideas on how to keep employees educated and trained, or you simply want to brainstorm better ways to organize your administrative processes, this discussion platform can be your first stop to reach out to peers across SVMIC’s region to find help. Consider Vantage Discussions your virtual support group or your practice manager help forum – somewhere you can go to ask questions and find answers.

Set up as a typical discussion forum, Vantage Discussions is organized into three categories: Clinical, Administrative, and Education. Using those three categories, members can ask questions, respond to questions, and read through existing discussions. Utilizing the search feature, members can also use keywords to quickly filter through previously started discussions to easily find relevant conversations. A notification will be sent via email to members when someone responds directly to a discussion they have started, with the goal of keeping responses timely and conversations active.

The only requirement to enjoy this virtual discussion board is a Vantage account. Upon logging in, practice administrators will see the Discussions tab and can begin sharing, reading, and discussing with peers; some conversations are already ongoing so it will be easy to join in! Although the platform is not intended for communication directly with SVMIC, we hope that you can utilize Vantage Discussions to connect with your peers on a variety of topics. To connect, click here and login with your Vantage account credentials, or create your Vantage account by following the instructions. SVMIC thanks you for your participation and is excited to share this new and innovative tool with you!

About The Author

With nearly a decade of experience at SVMIC, Meghan Clark serves as the Senior Manager of Education and Marketing, where she oversees a range of critical projects including Vantage, the SVMIC Education Center, all social media and communication strategies, the SVMIC website, and the "Your Practice Made Perfect" podcast.

Meghan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Mental Health (2010) and a Master’s degree in Human Resources and Organizational Leadership (2013). Before joining SVMIC in October 2015, she accumulated diverse experience in software, training, and sales roles, which have equipped her with a robust skill set applicable to her current position.

Known for her strong interpersonal skills, curiosity, and passion for process improvement, Meghan is dedicated to enhancing SVMIC’s online presence and user experience. Her innovative mindset and commitment to organizational growth are central to her role.

Meghan lives in Spring Hill with her husband Alan and their three young children, and enjoys reading, traveling, outdoor activities, and engaging her creative side.

The contents of The Sentinel are intended for educational/informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Policyholders are urged to consult with their personal attorney for legal advice, as specific legal requirements may vary from state to state and/or change over time.

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