Several months ago, a medical practice was unable to access its cloud based EHR system early on a Friday afternoon. A support ticket was submitted to the EHR vendor requesting assistance for the problem. In the meantime, the practice activated its emergency procedures protocol and records of the patient...
Missed diagnosis is a top claim received at SVMIC. The tracking of lab and diagnostic test results, as well as referred patients and missed or canceled appointments, is essential to avoid delays in diagnosis and/or treatment. A patient may fall through the cracks if an abnormal test result is misplaced ...
Human resources consume a tremendous amount of time for the average practice. The paperwork alone is overwhelming for many practice executives, especially coupled with other duties and management responsibilities. The Great Resignation has brought the need for a strong recruitment and retention plan to the fo...
Behavioral science is a growing field of science, rooted in economics as a means of understanding decision-making. People do not always make rational decisions that align with the beliefs of economists. Indeed, traditional economists had historically opined that all human determinations are made based on pric...
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