All bets are off for ideas to keep employees on staff. Consider the hotel chain in Germany that is paying for employee tattoos. Body ink may not be appropriate for your medical practice, but consider these 15 crazy good ideas that other practices have successfully deployed: Host “Open Door” mee...
Providers are legally accountable for the accuracy of the information in their notes, and personal review of entries in a timely fashion provides the opportunity to make any needed corrections. All notes and medical record entries should be reviewed for accuracy and properly authenticated (signed) by the prov...
On July 7, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released the annual proposal for Medicare reimbursement for the coming year. In the absence of Congressional intervention, the payment rate for physicians will decline by 4.4% in 2023 based on the proposed conversion factor of $33.08, a decrease of $...
When talking with physicians about the litigation process, a common concern is that a jury seated to hear their case will be comprised of individuals who do not and cannot understand the complexities of the practice of medicine. Many feel it is too risky to put their fate in the hands of individuals who...
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